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Improvements in the Current Setup of Distance Learning in Pakistan through IPTV

by Naveed Ghani, Hina Toor, Zainab Hussain
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 44 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Naveed Ghani, Hina Toor, Zainab Hussain

Naveed Ghani, Hina Toor, Zainab Hussain . Improvements in the Current Setup of Distance Learning in Pakistan through IPTV. International Journal of Computer Applications. 44, 21 ( April 2012), 12-19. DOI=10.5120/6394-8867

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As per the Pakistan Economic Survey 2010-2011, the literacy rate of Pakistan in 2009-2010 is 57. 7%. [1] This paper reveals the importance of equal access to learning in Pakistan where there is an educational gap between rich and poor, urban and rural and especially disabled ones. It offers great potential for improving distance learning in rural areas that often have less contact with educational trends and where it is the 'only' solution to acquire education. Initiatives are suggested to institutes providing distance education in order to educate people at a wider level. Broadcast media used for course delivery by various institutes in Pakistan to their distance learners of secondary and higher secondary level is inadequate. In order to facilitate rural society to acquire basic education, synchronous learning technology is used which integrates educational 'television on demand' on the government level. "Television on demand or IPTV is used for transmitting live transmission and video on demand contents using set top box (STB) over television or other displays via broadband connection. " [2] The outcome of this research is to provide improvement tools and mechanisms to improve the basic literacy level of Pakistan and enhancing the skills of students already involved in secondary and higher secondary levels.

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  13. . Ramirez, David (2008), "IPTV Architecture" chapter 3, pp#23-24, IPTV Security Protecting High-Value Digital Contents, ISBN 978-0-470-51924-0, England
  14. . Juniper Networks IPTV Security Solution: Integrated Security for Layered Protection, Juniper Networks, Sunnyvale, CA, White Paper 3510275-002-EN, Apr. 2010
  15. Zeadally Sherali, Moustafa Hassnaa and Siddiqui Farhan, "Internet Protocol Television (IPTV): Architecture, Trends, and Challenges", IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL. 5, NO. 4, pp. 520-521, Dec 2011
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Internet Protocol Television Voice Over Internet Protocol Quality Of Service Quality Of Experience Network Control Protocol Transfer Control Protocol/internet Protocol Multichannel Video Programming Distribution Video On Demand Personal Video Recorder Electronic Program Guide Time Shift Television.