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An Improved Answer Retrieval System Taping the Linkage Structure for Noisy SMS Queries

by Gaurav Batra, Mansi Goel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 44 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Gaurav Batra, Mansi Goel

Gaurav Batra, Mansi Goel . An Improved Answer Retrieval System Taping the Linkage Structure for Noisy SMS Queries. International Journal of Computer Applications. 44, 19 ( April 2012), 36-40. DOI=10.5120/6374-8825

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The advent of technology has not only tailored the scientific and research work but has also sufficed to the needs of a commoner. Although communication and online support has become quite contemporary yet it requires huge amount of human resource to meet the varied demands. In this paper a server application is proposed which provides automated support for the customer queries via Short Messaging Service (SMS). It facilitates a layman with an instant answer to any of his query. The system is highly capable of handling inherent noise present in the queries and also taps their syntactic and semantic structure. This approach performs two functions simultaneously. One of which is handling of noise and inferring the best possible question, which the user actually meant to ask. Second is to match the refined question with the existing database of questions and then provide a corresponding answer

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Faq Noise Query Extraction Question Answering System Retrieval