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Hindi Character Segmentation in Document Images using Level set Methods and Non-linear Diffusion

by Manjusha K, Sachin Kumar S, Jolly Rajendran, K. P. Soman
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 44 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Manjusha K, Sachin Kumar S, Jolly Rajendran, K. P. Soman

Manjusha K, Sachin Kumar S, Jolly Rajendran, K. P. Soman . Hindi Character Segmentation in Document Images using Level set Methods and Non-linear Diffusion. International Journal of Computer Applications. 44, 16 ( April 2012), 42-49. DOI=10.5120/6351-8745

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%A K. P. Soman
%T Hindi Character Segmentation in Document Images using Level set Methods and Non-linear Diffusion
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Hindi is the national language of India, spoken by more than 500 million people and is the second most popular spoken language in the world, after Chinese. Digital document imaging is gaining popularity for application to serve at libraries, government offices, banks etc. In this paper, we intend to provide a study on character binarization and segmentation of Hindi document images, which are the essential pre-processing steps in several applications like digitization of historically relevant books. In the case of historical documents, the document image may have stains, may not be readable, the background could be non-uniform and may be faded because of aging. In those cases the task of binarization and segmentation becomes challenging, and it affects the overall accuracy of the system. So these processes should be carried out accurately and efficiently. Here we experiment level set method in combination with diffusion techniques for improving the accuracy of segmentation in document process task.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Level Set Method Binarization Segmentation Convex Optimization.