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Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Controller for Multi-layered Switched Reluctance Motor

by Wafaa A. Arakat, Amira Y. Haikal, Ayman H. Kassem
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 44 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Wafaa A. Arakat, Amira Y. Haikal, Ayman H. Kassem

Wafaa A. Arakat, Amira Y. Haikal, Ayman H. Kassem . Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Controller for Multi-layered Switched Reluctance Motor. International Journal of Computer Applications. 44, 1 ( April 2012), 20-25. DOI=10.5120/6228-8304

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There has been big interest in switched reluctance motor (SRM) due to its simplicity and reasonable cost, however excessive torque ripple is one of the major disadvantages of switched reluctance motor. This paper attempts to reduce torque ripples of Switched Reluctance Motor through building multi-layered motor controlled by a hybrid intelligent system known as Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System ANFIS. Simulation of the proposed motor is conducted using Matlab Simulink environment 2011 and comparison results with single layer switched reluctance motor for both PI and ANFIS controllers show improvement in behavior of MSRM controlled by ANFIS through reduction in speed settling time as well as torque ripples.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Multi-layer Switched Reluctance Motor Srm Torque Ripples Anfis