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Optimizing the Web Cache Performance by Clustering based Pre-Fetching Technique using Modified ART1

by V. Sathiyamoorthi, V. Murali Bhaskaran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 44 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: V. Sathiyamoorthi, V. Murali Bhaskaran

V. Sathiyamoorthi, V. Murali Bhaskaran . Optimizing the Web Cache Performance by Clustering based Pre-Fetching Technique using Modified ART1. International Journal of Computer Applications. 44, 1 ( April 2012), 7-9. DOI=10.5120/6225-8190

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Web caching is a technique which is used to reduce user perceived latency when user is accessing the Web pages. Web pre-fetching is a scheme where Web pages are pre-fetched into the intermediate server (proxy) cache before user accessing it. These two techniques can complement each other since the Web caching exploits the temporal locality, whereas Web pre-fetching utilizes the spatial locality of Web objects. In this paper, we developed modified ART1 neural network to pre-fetch Web pages into the proxy cache. We have also empirically shown the performance of proposed work with the existing ART1 based pre-fetching. By using this approach the hit rate of the cache increases, which in turn reduces the user perceived latencies.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web Pre-fetching Web Caching Latencies Web Log Mining Work Load Matrix