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An Efficient Monarchic Reconfiguration Protocol with Deadlock Freedom on Interconnection Networks

by S. Mohiadeen Abdul Kadhar, T. Revathi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 43 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: S. Mohiadeen Abdul Kadhar, T. Revathi

S. Mohiadeen Abdul Kadhar, T. Revathi . An Efficient Monarchic Reconfiguration Protocol with Deadlock Freedom on Interconnection Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 43, 9 ( April 2012), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/6128-8347

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Monarchic Reconfiguration protocol (MRP) is the self- governing, independent and autonomous system to resolve the deadlocking problem during reconfiguration in interconnection networks. Deadlock is the cyclic dependency between the old and new routing functions. Our aim is to protect the routing path with deadlocking freedom and improve the performance drastically. Our proposed method will increase the availability and dependability of the network and reduce 100 % pocket drops ratio with deadlock freedom.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Interconnection Networks Monarchic Reconfiguration Protocol (mrp) Localized Network Reconfiguration