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Reseach Article

Advanced Architecture Algorithm of Sensor based Robotics Security System framework for e-Governance Technology

by Rajeev Kumar, M. K. Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 43 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Rajeev Kumar, M. K. Sharma

Rajeev Kumar, M. K. Sharma . Advanced Architecture Algorithm of Sensor based Robotics Security System framework for e-Governance Technology. International Journal of Computer Applications. 43, 3 ( April 2012), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/6080-8218

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In this paper, we discuss the advanced sensor based system framework for security application is proposed in e- Governance security areas. Like online voting, online transaction, online payment and automatic transportation management system. Fidelity and stability are contradicting factors in security system. Most of security manipulations nowadays are performed manually by the human operators. In automated security system used future and high level technology which is very secure and protected and new technologies security system. These highly precise operations require high-skilled professional operators. In this we are using the artificial intelligence system and information and communication technology (ICT) that has able to develop a high protected sensor based security system framework. However, the success and survival of the networks security is very low due to the great sensitivity of security system in e-governance. In this technology ICT useful for sharing the information and communicate the human operator and operate the manually & automatically. In added of high security we used this technology, during every security operation the human's has a certain role but sensor based system is more powerfully and reliable that can affect the quality of different security areas. All of the reasons listed above show that the system manipulation is an exclusively high security level task for a human operator to perform. So Therefore, if we applying the sensor based security system framework for the e-governance security than manipulation may provide us with many advantages.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Advanced Architecture Cloud Computing Algorithm Security Areas Security Issues E-governance Application