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Reseach Article

High performance Computing Algorithm Applied in Floyd Steinberg Dithering

by Anuja Dagar, Archana, Deepak Nandal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 43 - Number 23
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Anuja Dagar, Archana, Deepak Nandal

Anuja Dagar, Archana, Deepak Nandal . High performance Computing Algorithm Applied in Floyd Steinberg Dithering. International Journal of Computer Applications. 43, 23 ( April 2012), 11-13. DOI=10.5120/6418-8900

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title = { High performance Computing Algorithm Applied in Floyd Steinberg Dithering },
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In this paper, we are going to implement parallel Floyd Steinberg Dithering algorithm for multi core architecture. The algorithm is based on error dispersion. This algorithm is commonly used by image manipulation software, for example when an image is converted into GIF format. This technique generates the best results of any classical method, but it is the slowest because of its sequential computation. This paper brings out FSD algorithm for distributed (multi core) architecture. PFSD (parallel Floyd Steinberg Dithering) algorithm based on master slave architecture. Master collects data information and distributes data to multiple sections whereas slave works on sections which are monitored by master. The proposed algorithm can be extended to different data intensive and complex computing applications for multi core architecture. We expect this research will be very helpful in the field of mobile communication devices as multi core architecture has been introduced in mobile communication devices.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Floyd Steinberg Dithering (fsd) Pfsd Hpc Multi Core Architecture Bluetooth Error Diffusion Image Halftoning Technique