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Reseach Article

Usability Evaluation of Object Oriented Software System using Fuzzy Logic Approach

by Sanjay Kumar Dubey, Ajay Rana, Arun Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 43 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sanjay Kumar Dubey, Ajay Rana, Arun Sharma

Sanjay Kumar Dubey, Ajay Rana, Arun Sharma . Usability Evaluation of Object Oriented Software System using Fuzzy Logic Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 43, 19 ( April 2012), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/6208-8778

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The growth in demand for interactive software system has increased greatly in recent years. But, most of the developed systems are failing due to not providing suitable interface. User interface is the only way by which user can interact with software system. The problem lying in the interface is related to the usability. Usability is regarded as important quality factor for developing the successful interactive software system. It is also a key quality factor in the development of successful software applications. These days mostly software systems are developed using object-oriented methodology. Object-oriented approach enhances the usability of software system when software engineering process combined with usability engineering. Incorporating object-oriented concepts and techniques into system development processes, systems related to human computer interaction are more usable. Inspite of the importance of usability, there is no well defined criteria to evaluate it due the fact that many factors influence the usability of software system. This paper identifies the most important factors that impact on usability of object-oriented system and then proposes a model for evaluating the usability of software system using soft computing technique.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Usability Software System Model Soft Computing