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BrainLock: A Generic Mu Rhythm based Locking System

by Gove Nitinkumar Rajendra, Rajneesh Kaur Bedi, Bhor Rohan Tatyaba
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 43 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Gove Nitinkumar Rajendra, Rajneesh Kaur Bedi, Bhor Rohan Tatyaba

Gove Nitinkumar Rajendra, Rajneesh Kaur Bedi, Bhor Rohan Tatyaba . BrainLock: A Generic Mu Rhythm based Locking System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 43, 18 ( April 2012), 39-43. DOI=10.5120/6207-8768

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Every human activity is controlled and directed by brain. For each such activity there is equivalent action potential which gets generated. This action potential has a corresponding low power electrical signal. For different human actions different electrical signals are generated. This paper gives a definitive study of brain '? rhythms' which are generated during motor imagery activities. The current applications of these rhythms are also briefly elaborated. We also propose a generic mu rhythm based locking system which can be used for home security, bank locker security, vehicle locking and at many other places.

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