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A New Image Encryption Approach using the Integration of a Shifting Technique and the AES Algorithm

by Ahmed Bashir Abugharsa, Abd Samad Bin Hasan Basari, Hamida Almangush
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 42 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Ahmed Bashir Abugharsa, Abd Samad Bin Hasan Basari, Hamida Almangush

Ahmed Bashir Abugharsa, Abd Samad Bin Hasan Basari, Hamida Almangush . A New Image Encryption Approach using the Integration of a Shifting Technique and the AES Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 42, 9 ( March 2012), 38-45. DOI=10.5120/5724-7785

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title = { A New Image Encryption Approach using the Integration of a Shifting Technique and the AES Algorithm },
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issue_date = { March 2012 },
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%A Ahmed Bashir Abugharsa
%A Abd Samad Bin Hasan Basari
%A Hamida Almangush
%T A New Image Encryption Approach using the Integration of a Shifting Technique and the AES Algorithm
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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In this paper, a new image encryption technique is proposed based on the integration of shifted image blocks and basic AES, where the shifted algorithm technique is used to divide the image into blocks. Each block consists of number of pixels, and these blocks are shuffled by using a shift technique that moves the rows and columns of the original image in such a way to produce a shifted image. This shifted image is then used as an input image to the AES algorithm to encrypt the pixels of the shifted image. In order to evaluate the performance, the proposed integration technique and AES algorithm were measured through a series of tests. These tests included a histogram analysis, information entropy, correlation analysis, differential analysis. Experimental results showed that the new integration technique has satisfactory security and is more efficient than using the AES algorithm alone without the shifting algorithm which makes it a good technique for the encryption of multimedia data. The results showed that the histogram of an encrypted image produced a uniform distribution, which is very different from the histogram of the plain image, and the correlation among image pixels was significantly decreased by using the integration technique and a higher entropy was achieved.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image encryption Shuffling AES Shifted Image Image Entropy Block Image Encryption Correlation.