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An Evaluation on Irretrievable Compression of Encrypted Image

by K. Porkumaran, S. Manimurugan, Pradeep P Mathew
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 42 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: K. Porkumaran, S. Manimurugan, Pradeep P Mathew

K. Porkumaran, S. Manimurugan, Pradeep P Mathew . An Evaluation on Irretrievable Compression of Encrypted Image. International Journal of Computer Applications. 42, 2 ( March 2012), 17-20. DOI=10.5120/5665-7697

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This paper may deals with the diverse troubles that may be occurs during the irretrievable compression applied on an encrypted image. This work is a relative learn with different methods of irretrievable compression such as Compressive sensing technique and Iterative reconstruction technique on encrypted image. But they practiced a variety of limitations. The major obscurity is to attain a higher compression ratio as well as the better quality of the reconstructed image. The higher compression ratio and the smoother the original image may supply the better quality of the reconstructed image.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image Compression Image Encryption Image Decryption Image Decompression Image Reconstruction