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Reseach Article

Critical Analysis of the User Interfaces for the Disabled Community

by Kunal Gupta, Usman Ali Khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 42 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Kunal Gupta, Usman Ali Khan

Kunal Gupta, Usman Ali Khan . Critical Analysis of the User Interfaces for the Disabled Community. International Journal of Computer Applications. 42, 16 ( March 2012), 40-44. DOI=10.5120/5780-8165

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Human Computer Interaction has always always been oriented towards providing ease of access to the users of the systems. Much work has been done on this area for non-disable person which formulates the largest segment of the commercial population. A lot of effort is required to be made to make technology accessible to the disabled community. The paper discuss several problems associated with individuals with disabilities. Software systems are designed all over the world for disabled, but they lack the luster through which the disable may be motivated to make optimal usage of the technology. Our research provides for the design of an abstract model which can be considered as the baseline foundation on which frameworks for developing Adaptive Intelligent User Interfaces for Disabled may be developed. Such interfaces will not only capture the interest of the disabled individuals but also provide a socio-economic reform, through which the participation of the disabled might be increased, and the use of their intellect may be given a positive direction for the betterment of the Society.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


User Interfaces For Disabled Individuals Life Cycle Models For User Interfaces Adaptive User Interfaces Adaptibility Framework Assisted Cognitive Learning