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Area based Mobility Management by using GPS in LEO satellite Networks

by Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kallyan Kumar Das, Mrinal Kanti Naskar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 42 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kallyan Kumar Das, Mrinal Kanti Naskar

Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kallyan Kumar Das, Mrinal Kanti Naskar . Area based Mobility Management by using GPS in LEO satellite Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 42, 13 ( March 2012), 41-43. DOI=10.5120/5757-8043

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%A Kunal Hui
%A Shabnam Bandyopadhyay
%A Kallyan Kumar Das
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Though Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites have some distinct characteristics such as low propagation delay, low power requirements and more efficient spectrum allocation due to frequency reuse between satellite and spotbeams but the higher relative speed than terrestrial mobile networks decreases the quality of service as a result of a huge number of handovers. To overcome this problem a number of handover management schemes have been proposed out of which Mobile IP (MIP) is the standard one. But its mobility management cost is too high. Here we have proposed a low cost area based mobility management method (ABMM) using GPS and Paging for LEO satellite networks, which use GPS to decrease Paging cost and location update cost. Through mathematical analysis simulation results shows that this method is better than the standard mobility management methods. Keywords: Mobility management, GPS , LEO, spotbeam, ABMM.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mobility Management Gps Leo Satellite Networks