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Reseach Article

Solving Real Optimization Problem Using Genetic Algorithm with Employed Bee (GAEB)

by Deepak Singh, Ankit Sirmorya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 42 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Deepak Singh, Ankit Sirmorya

Deepak Singh, Ankit Sirmorya . Solving Real Optimization Problem Using Genetic Algorithm with Employed Bee (GAEB). International Journal of Computer Applications. 42, 11 ( March 2012), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/5734-7915

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%T Solving Real Optimization Problem Using Genetic Algorithm with Employed Bee (GAEB)
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Optimization is a research branch that models the maximization and minimization of a real function by systematically choosing the input values from within an allowed domain. Its concerned with finding the best solutions for a given problem irrespective of its discipline. The Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is a swarm based meta-heuristic optimization algorithm inspired by the intelligent behavior of honey bee swarm. Genetic Algorithms (GA) is an attractive class of computational models that mimic the biological evolution process for solving problems in a wide domain. In this work, Genetic Algorithm with Employed Bee (GAEB) is proposed where, hybridization of the employed bee operator of ABC algorithm has been done in GA. The results obtained showed that GAEB provides better optimized results than classical GA.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Artificial Bee Colony Abc Genetic Algorithm Ga Genetic Algorithm With Employed Bee Gaeb