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A New Method of Query over Encrypted Data in Database using Hash Map

by Mohammed Alhanjouri, Ayman M. Al Derawi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 41 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Mohammed Alhanjouri, Ayman M. Al Derawi

Mohammed Alhanjouri, Ayman M. Al Derawi . A New Method of Query over Encrypted Data in Database using Hash Map. International Journal of Computer Applications. 41, 4 ( March 2012), 46-51. DOI=10.5120/5533-7580

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title = { A New Method of Query over Encrypted Data in Database using Hash Map },
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%T A New Method of Query over Encrypted Data in Database using Hash Map
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Critical business data in databases is an attractive target for attack. Therefore, ensuring the confidentiality, privacy and integrity of data is a major issue for the security of database systems. High secure data in databases is protected by encryption. When the data is encrypted, query performance decreases. In our paper we propose a new mechanism to query the encrypted data beside make a tradeoff between the performance and the security. Our mechanism will work over many data-types. We implement our work as a layer above the DBMS; this makes our method compatible with any DBMS. Our method based on replacing the select conditions on the encrypted data with another condition which is faster. The new way must have no security weak that is can't show an aspect for the plain data. The results of the experiments validate our approach.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Encryption Hash Map Querying Over Encrypted Data Index