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Analysis of Link Utilization in MPLS Enabled Network using OPNET IT Guru

by Anupkumar M Bongale, Nithin N
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 41 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Anupkumar M Bongale, Nithin N

Anupkumar M Bongale, Nithin N . Analysis of Link Utilization in MPLS Enabled Network using OPNET IT Guru. International Journal of Computer Applications. 41, 14 ( March 2012), 35-40. DOI=10.5120/5611-7882

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This paper presents comparison study based on link utilization in the networks running over RIP (Routing information Protocol), OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). Poor link utilization in case of RIP and OSPF is identified. A detailed simulation study is performed over MPLS network where we have shown MPLS network has utilized most of links resulting in congestion avoidance, low queuing delays.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mpls Rip Ospf Link Utilization Traffic Engineering Opnet