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Reseach Article

Identity-based Authentication and Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks

by Abdullah Al-mahmud, Matei Ciobanu Morogan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 41 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Abdullah Al-mahmud, Matei Ciobanu Morogan

Abdullah Al-mahmud, Matei Ciobanu Morogan . Identity-based Authentication and Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 41, 13 ( March 2012), 18-24. DOI=10.5120/5602-7858

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The application and usage of the wireless sensor network is rapidly growing. Wireless sensor networks are normally deployed into the unattended environment where the intended user can get access of the network. The sensor nodes collect data from this environment. If the data are valuable and confidential then some security measures are needed to protect the data from the unauthorized access. In this paper, I propose an identity-based user authentication and access control protocol based on the Identity-Based Signature (IBS) scheme where the ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) based digital signature algorithm (DSA) is used for signing a message and verifying a message for a wireless sensor networks. This protocol accomplishes the registration of a new user, authentication of a user, session key establishment between sensor node and the user; and finally grants the appropriate data access to the user. User revocation is also handled in this proposed protocol. Compared with other conventional security solutions, this protocol provides confidentiality and integrity of the sensor data; and also achieves better computational, communicational performance and energy efficiency due to the use of more efficient IBS algorithms based on ECC than those based on RSA.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wsn Security Authentication Access Control Ibs