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Robust Self-Tuning Regulator of Time-Varying Linear Systems with Bounded External Disturbances

by Nabiha Touijer, Samira Kamoun
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 41 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Nabiha Touijer, Samira Kamoun

Nabiha Touijer, Samira Kamoun . Robust Self-Tuning Regulator of Time-Varying Linear Systems with Bounded External Disturbances. International Journal of Computer Applications. 41, 11 ( March 2012), 44-51. DOI=10.5120/5589-7837

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title = { Robust Self-Tuning Regulator of Time-Varying Linear Systems with Bounded External Disturbances },
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issue_date = { March 2012 },
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%A Nabiha Touijer
%A Samira Kamoun
%T Robust Self-Tuning Regulator of Time-Varying Linear Systems with Bounded External Disturbances
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
%@ 0975-8887
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

The robust self-tuning regulator of a class of linear systems, which can be described by the input-output Auto-Regressive Moving Average with exogenous (ARMAX) mathematical model with unknown and time-varying parameters, at bounded external disturbances is developed. A scheme of polynomial approximation has been applied to approximate the unknown and time-varying parameters of systems. The modified recursive extended least squares RELS estimation algorithm with a relative dead zone is proposed and applied to estimate the unknown and time-varying parameters intervening in the ARMAX mathematical model. The formulation of the explicit schemes of self-tuning regulation problem is resolved by using the minimum variance output or the generalized minimum variance output. The obtained control law, which is an optimal solution of minimizing a correspondent criterion, permit to reduce the effect of noise upon the output of system. An example of numerical simulation illustrates the effectiveness of the explicit schemes of self-tuning regulator and presents the performances by using the modified recursive extended least squares estimation algorithm with a relative dead zone in a step of the parametric estimation of a linear time-varying systems.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Polynomial Approximation Armax Mathematical Model Time-varying Parameters Modified Recursive Extended Least Squares Estimation Algorithm Rels With A Relative Dead Zone Self-tuning Regulator