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An Improved Security enabled Distribution of Protected Cloud Storage Services by Zero-Knowledge Proof based on RSA Assumption

by M. Sowmya varshini, D. Palanikkumar, G. Rathi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 40 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: M. Sowmya varshini, D. Palanikkumar, G. Rathi

M. Sowmya varshini, D. Palanikkumar, G. Rathi . An Improved Security enabled Distribution of Protected Cloud Storage Services by Zero-Knowledge Proof based on RSA Assumption. International Journal of Computer Applications. 40, 5 ( February 2012), 18-22. DOI=10.5120/4952-7198

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Cloud computing dynamically provides high quality cloud-based secure services and applications over the internet. The efficient sharing of secure cloud storage services (ESC) scheme which allows the upper-level user to share the secure cloud storage services with multiple lower-level users. In hierarchical identity-based architecture, the sender needs to encrypt a file only once and store only one copy of the corresponding ciphertext in a cloud. The lower-level user needs to decrypt a file which will increase the computational overhead, because the lower-level user does not perform any partial decipherment. In this paper, we propose a Trapdoor commitment scheme that enables a lower-level user to send a short trapdoor to the cloud service provider before retrieving files. This scheme allows the CSP to participate in the partial decipherment, so as to reduce computational overhead on the users without leaking any information about the plaintext. If a lower-level user wants to retrieve a file with limited bandwidth, CPU and memory, the trapdoor which will largely helps to reduce computational power.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Hierarchical identity-based encryption secure storage trapdoor partial decipherment