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Image Retrieval Techniques for Color based Images from Large Set of DataBase

by R. Venkata Ramana Chary, D. Rajya Lakshmi, K. V. N. Sunitha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 40 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: R. Venkata Ramana Chary, D. Rajya Lakshmi, K. V. N. Sunitha

R. Venkata Ramana Chary, D. Rajya Lakshmi, K. V. N. Sunitha . Image Retrieval Techniques for Color based Images from Large Set of DataBase. International Journal of Computer Applications. 40, 4 ( February 2012), 33-39. DOI=10.5120/5035-7186

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%A K. V. N. Sunitha
%T Image Retrieval Techniques for Color based Images from Large Set of DataBase
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In content-based image retrieval, interactive systems have attracted a lot of research interest in recent years. Comparatively early systems, which focused on fully automatic strategies, recent approaches have supporting many are concentrated. Assuming that a user is looking for a set of images with similar feature using the query concept within a huge database . Proposed system focus on the retrieval of images within a large image collection based on color projections and different geometric mathematical approaches are applied for retrieval of images . before Appling rules images are sub grouping using threshold method , in this paper R G B color combinations considered for retrieval of images and reduced comparing steps . this technique obtained fast and efficient results comparatively previous methods . the aim is to improve the efficiency to retrieve the query Concept.

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  13. R.Venkata Ramana Chary , Dr. D. Rajya Lakshmi, Dr. K.V.N. Sunitha Published an International Journal on “Image Retrieval and Similarity Measurement Based on Image Feature” in International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST) Volume 2 ,Issue 4 OCT-DEC 2011.PP385-389 ISSN :0976-8491(ONLINE)|ISSN:2229-4333(PRINT).
  14. R.Venkata Ramana Chary, Dr. K.V.N. Sunitha, Dr. D. Rajya Lakshmi Published an International journal “Quality Measures on Multispectral Images” in international journal of Image Processing and Applications(IJIPA) ,volume 2(1),2011,July- December 2011 .pp 101-105 ISSN:0975-8178.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Color combination threshold Retrieval Query image Database