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Evaluating Robustness of Resource Allocation in Uniprocessor Real Time System

by Pratibha Zunjare, Bibhudatta Sahoo
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 40 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Pratibha Zunjare, Bibhudatta Sahoo

Pratibha Zunjare, Bibhudatta Sahoo . Evaluating Robustness of Resource Allocation in Uniprocessor Real Time System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 40, 3 ( February 2012), 13-18. DOI=10.5120/5023-7168

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Real time systems (RTS) operate in an unpredictable changing environment that causing certain system performance features to degrade. Such systems need robustness to guarantee limited degradation despite variations in environmental parameters. EDF (Earliest Deadline First) scheduling has been used to evaluate the robustness of uniprocessor system with makespan as performance parameter. Robustness of real time system is directly proportional to the makespan of the resource allocation. EDF produces the optimal schedule that maximizes the robustness in the system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Robustness QoS Resource Allocation Real Time System