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A Dual Fuzzy Entropy Model for QoS Routing in MANET

by Uday. S. B, K. Karibasappa, V. D. Mytri
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 40 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Uday. S. B, K. Karibasappa, V. D. Mytri

Uday. S. B, K. Karibasappa, V. D. Mytri . A Dual Fuzzy Entropy Model for QoS Routing in MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 40, 14 ( February 2012), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/5045-6634

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Congestion leads to bandwidth degradation and, packet losses thereby causing retransmissions and higher energy drain rate by the nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks(MANET). So providing Quality of Service(QoS) and reducing congestion levels are some of the major issues to be addressed in these networks. However , use of appropriate congestion control measures is complicated due to the interdependence of various parameters that cause congestion. Applying cost based metrics for attaining QoS is prevalently used in MANET’s but they are inefficient because of the uncertainities involved in the channel characteristics. Hence routing solutions based on the principles of entropy and fuzzy logic would be appropriate for MANET’s. We are proposing a novel method based on entropy and fuzzy logic (Dual-Fuzzy-Entropy-AODV) to assess the quality of a path discovered by a routing protocol. Simulation studies and evaluation of our proposed mechanism shows improvement in the performance results.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Entropy Fuzzy based Routing.