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Reseach Article

Security Concerns of Object Oriented Software Architectures

by Dinesh Kumar Saini
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 40 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Dinesh Kumar Saini

Dinesh Kumar Saini . Security Concerns of Object Oriented Software Architectures. International Journal of Computer Applications. 40, 11 ( December 2012), 41-48. DOI=10.5120/5012-7334

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Testing and measuring the security of software system architectures is a difficult task. An attempt is made in this paper to analyze the issues of architecture security of object-oriented software’s using common security concepts to evaluate the security of a system under design. Object oriented systems are based on various architectures like COM, DCOM, CORBA, MVC and Broker. In object oriented technology the basic system component is an object. Individual system component is posing it own risk in the system. Security policies and the associated risk in these software architectures can be calculated for the individual component. Overall risk can be calculated based on the context and risk factors in the architecture. Small risk factors get accumulated together and form a major risk in the systems and can damage the systems.

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  31. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Lingaraj A Hadimani, Poonam V Vaidya and Sanad Al Maskari “Software Quality Model Six Sigma Initiatives” The 2011 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering (ICCSE-2011), World Congress in Engineering, July 6-9th London UK, PP. 1226-1231.
  32. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Nebras N. Hasoon, Feras N. Hasoon and Mustafa Hasan. “Review of Query Processing in Distributed Systems”, Proceedings of the INFORMATICS 2011 IADIS, International Association for Development of the Information Society, July 20-26, 2011, Rome Italy. Pp 117-123
  33. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Sanad Al Maskari, R G Dabhade, Sandhya V Khandage and Lingaraj A. Hadimani “Broker Architecture for Quality of Service” The 2011 International Conference of Information Security and Internet Engineering, (ICISIE-2011), World Congress in Engineering, July 6-9th London UK, PP 484-490.
  34. Lingaraj A. Hadimani, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Vaishali P Khoche and Sanad Al Maskari, “Comparison of Software and Hardware Design Tools (CASE vs. Simulators)” The 2011 International Conference of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, (ICMEEM-2011), World Congress in Engineering, July 6-9th London UK
  35. Sanad Al Maskari, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Swati Y Raut and Lingraj A Hadimani, “Security and Vulnerability Issues in University Networks” The 2011 International Conference of Information Security and Internet Engineering (ICISIE-2011) World Congress in Engineering, July 6-9th London UK
  36. Jabar H.Yousif, Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hassan S. Uraibi, “Artificial Intelligence in E-Leaning-Pedagogical and Cognitive Aspects” The 2011 International Conference of Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (ICCIIS-201), World Congress in Engineering, July 6-9th London UK
  37. Nitin B Raut, Jabar H. Yousif, Sanad Al Maskari, and Dinesh Kumar Saini “Cloud for Pollution Control and Global Warming” The 2011 International Conference of Information Engineering (ICIE-2011), World Congress in Engineering, July 6-9th London UK
  38. Dinesh Kumar Saini, N.Hasson, F.Hasson, Mustafa Hassan, “Review of Query Processing in Distributed Systems” Informmatics-2011, IADIS International Conference Italy July 21-26 , 2011.
  39. N.Hasson, F.Hasson, Dinesh Kumar Saini, “Generic Framework for Monitoring Air Pollution in Sohar Industrial Region”, ICT, Society and Human Being-2011, IADIS International Conference Italy July 21-26, 2011.
  40. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Sanad Al Maskari and Hemraj Saini, “Malicious Object Trafficking in the Network” IEEE IDCTA-2011, Korea, August 13-16, 201.
  41. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Sanad Al Maskari and Lingraj Hadimani “Mathematical Modeling of Software Reusability” 3rd IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC,2011)Singapore, February 26-28, 2011, IEEEXplore, 978-1-4244-9253-4/11.
  42. 40. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Wail M. Omar “Software Testing For Semantic Service Oriented Architecture for E-Health Software Services” SERP’10 - 9th international Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (USA), P.No. 240-246
  43. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Osama Abu Rahmeh, H. Saini, Wail M. Omar “Extended Secure Architecture of HIS: HL7” BIOCOMP'10 - 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (July 12-15, 2010, USA), P.No. 617-623.
  44. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Achieving Quality Through Testing Polymorphism in Object Oriented Systems,"3rd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and INFOCOM Technology (Trends and Future Directions), 2-4 December, 2006, Indian National Sciences and Academics, New Delhi (India). Conference proceeding.
  45. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini “Static Code Analysis”, NSCOMCS-2005 Proceeding of National Seminar on Mathematics and Computer Science sponsored by UGC.
  46. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini “Identification and characterization of software testing process for object oriented systems”, National Conference on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications in Real -World Problems, Berhampur University, September
  47. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini “Software Metrics and Mathematical Models in the Software Development Environment for Improving its Quality”, National Conference on Mathematical Modeling, BITS Pilani, Oct.2005
  48. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini “Analytical Study of Mathematical Models For Software Reusability Metrics in Software Development Environment” National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis – October 2004.
  49. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini “Statistical Modeling of Extensibility in software” 3rd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and INFOCOM Technology (Trends and Future Directions), 2-4 December, 2006, Indian National Sciences and Academics, New Delhi (India). ISBN 81–7446–434–4 Conference proceeding.
  50. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Lakshmi Sunil Prakash and Wail M Omar “Review of Technological Challenges in Web - Based Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) with special emphasis on extraction of Learning Contents” International Symposium, College of Applied Science, Ministry of Higher Education, April 13-16, 2010, Oman, P.No. 43-49.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Security COM DCOM CORBA Test Strategy risk SDLC