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A Comparative study of Multi Agent Based and High-Performance Privacy Preserving Data Mining

by Dr. Md Rizwan Beg, Md Muqeem, Md Faizan Farooqui
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 4 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Dr. Md Rizwan Beg, Md Muqeem, Md Faizan Farooqui

Dr. Md Rizwan Beg, Md Muqeem, Md Faizan Farooqui . A Comparative study of Multi Agent Based and High-Performance Privacy Preserving Data Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications. 4, 12 ( August 2010), 23-26. DOI=10.5120/876-1247

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Data mining is an extraordinarily demanding field referring to extraction of implicit knowledge and relationships, which are not explicitly stored in databases. Agent paradigm presents a new way of conception and realizing of data mining system. The purpose is to combine different algorithms of data mining to prepare elements for decision-makers, benefiting from the possibilities offered by the multi-agent systems. While the emerging field of privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) will enable many new data mining applications, it suffers from several practical difficulties. PPDM algorithms are difficult to develop and computationally intensive to execute. Developers need convenient abstractions to reduce the costs of engineering PPDM applications. The individual parties involved in the data mining process need a way to bring high-performance, parallel computers to bear on the computationally intensive parts of the PPDM tasks. This paper discusses the comparative study between multi agent based data mining and high-performance privacy preserving data mining. This paper offers a detailed analysis of the agent framework for data mining and its overall architecture and functionality are presented and also challenges in developing PPDM algorithms with existing frameworks, and motivates the design of a new infrastructure based on these challenges.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Distributed Data Mining Cluster Computing multi-agent