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LONETSSOM Platform: Enabling Distributed Processing, Managing and Mining of Biological Data through Fusion of Logical Network and Web Technologies in NETWORK Infrastructure

by N. Kannaiya Raja, K. Arulandam, A. Senthamaraiselvan, K. Babu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 39 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: N. Kannaiya Raja, K. Arulandam, A. Senthamaraiselvan, K. Babu

N. Kannaiya Raja, K. Arulandam, A. Senthamaraiselvan, K. Babu . LONETSSOM Platform: Enabling Distributed Processing, Managing and Mining of Biological Data through Fusion of Logical Network and Web Technologies in NETWORK Infrastructure. International Journal of Computer Applications. 39, 2 ( February 2012), 23-31. DOI=10.5120/4793-7042

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The accurate computation of conventional methods have not relied in the revolutionary period of changes and cannot make reshaping in the biological research as the meta-mining was used for integration of data which is not compatibility for biological research. Therefore we have reshaped the conventional method using Logical Network for effective transcriptomic technology for translation. In this paper, the advanced technology of knowledge mining which have an unprecedented wealth of quantity of data have been sruitnished and we present lonet for in silico systems biology and medicine (LONETSSOM), and a web based application that exploits logical management systems and distributed data processing system are highly used for DNA microarray through a genetic consistent, computational analysis framework. The advanced framework of logical network system is LONETSSOM which perform efficient versatile annotation system and integrative analysis through multi-application programming interface delivered in the SOA. The LONETSSOM aims to setup a generic paradigm of efficient knowledge mining that promotes throughput in translation of biomedicine field through the fusion of logical network and creation of semantic web technologies.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DNA microarray Data set Data Preprocessing Statistical Analysis Clustering Annotation Interpretation WSDL knowledge-mining.