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A Technique to Reduce Glitch Power during Physical Design Stage for Low Power and Less IR Drop

by Vasantha Kumar B.V.P, N. S. Murthy Sharma, K. Lal Kishore
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 39 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Vasantha Kumar B.V.P, N. S. Murthy Sharma, K. Lal Kishore

Vasantha Kumar B.V.P, N. S. Murthy Sharma, K. Lal Kishore . A Technique to Reduce Glitch Power during Physical Design Stage for Low Power and Less IR Drop. International Journal of Computer Applications. 39, 18 ( February 2012), 62-67. DOI=10.5120/5086-7450

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A glitch compensation methodology is proposed in this paper which involves in reducing the undesired switching of combinational circuits in order to save dynamic power. The proposed methodology can be seamlessly integrated to existing physical design flow to reduce the glitch power which is one of the major contributing factors for both dynamic and IR drop. A glitch is an undesired transition that occurs before intended value in digital circuits. A glitch occurs in CMOS circuits when differential delay at the inputs of a gate is greater than inertial delay, which results into notable amount of power consumption. The glitch power is becoming more prominent in lower technology nodes. Introduction of buffers at the input of the Logic gate may reduce glitches, but it results into large area overhead and dynamic power. Hence, the proposed methodology will ensure low dynamic power consumption with less area. The pass transistor logic is used as a compensation circuit and a flow is also proposed for characterizing the pass transistor logic to cater different delay values. The proposed methodology has been validated using Synopsys 90nm SAED PDK.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Dynamic power digital logic circuits low power design CMOS delay devices simulation glitches