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Reseach Article

An Overview of Web Usage Mining

by R. Suguna, D. Sharmila
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 39 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: R. Suguna, D. Sharmila

R. Suguna, D. Sharmila . An Overview of Web Usage Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications. 39, 13 ( February 2012), 11-13. DOI=10.5120/4879-7314

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Web Usage Mining make use of Association Rule Mining to discover the interesting pattern, identify web user behavior, predict web user expectation and improve the business strategy. Association Rule Mining is a technique of Data Mining which is used to find the relationship between the data items. In Web Usage Mining, data are stored in the web server in the form of web log files. Numerous amounts of website visitors visit the web sites. So, it is not easy to access the web log files and find the relationship among them because of the rapid growth of web log files. Some preprocessing works are needed to reduce the noisy data of web log files before applying the association rules to find the relationship between the log files. Many researchers done the variety of works on web content mining and web usage mining to improve the efficiency of the websites by providing novel methods and this paper gives an overview about the existing works done by the researchers on web usage mining.

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  6. Yinghui Yang and Balaji Padmanabhan. (2005). GHIC: A Hierarchical Pattern-Based Clustering Algorithm for Grouping Web Transactions. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol 17, No. 9.
  7. Yi Dong, Huiying Zhang and Linnan Jiao. (2006). Research on Application of User Navigation Pattern Mining Recommentation. In Proceeding. of the 6th World Cogress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Dalian, China.
  8. Hannah Inbarani H., Thangavel K., and Pethalakshmi A. (2007). Rough Set based Feature Selection for Web Usage Mining. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications.
  9. Suneetha K. R., and Krishnamoorthi R. (2009). Identifying User Behavior by Analysizing Web Server Access Log File. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol 9, No.4.
  10. Manoj Bahel and Chhay Dule. (2010). Analysis of Frequent Itemset generation process in Apriori and RCS (Reduced Candidate Set) Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Networking and algorithms. Vol 02, Issue 02. pp. 539-543.
  11. Veeramalai S., Jaisankar S., and Kannan A. (2010). Efficient Web Log Mining Using Enhanced Apriori Algorithm with Hash Tree and Fuzzy. International. Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol.2. No.4.
  12. Maja Dimitrijevic and Zita Bosnjak. (2011). Web Usage Association Rule Mining System. Interdiciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge and Management, Vol 6.
  13. Maja Dimitrijevic and Zita Bosnjak. (2010). Discovering interesting association rules in the web log usage data. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 5,pp. 191-207.
  14. Mamoun A. Awad and Latifur R. Khan. (2007). Web Navigation Prediction Using Multiple Evidence Combination and Domain Knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, And Cybernetics—Part A: Systems And Humans, Vol. 37, No. 6.
  15. Wang Yong Li and Zhanhuai Zhang Yang. (2005). Mining Sequential Association-Rule for Improving WEB Document Prediction. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA’05).
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web Usage Mining Web Content Mining Association Rule Mining