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A Novel Design Method of Two-Stage CMOS Operational Transconductance Amplifier used for Wireless Sensor Receiver

by Radwene Laajimi, Nawfil Gueddah, Mohamed Masmoudi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 39 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Radwene Laajimi, Nawfil Gueddah, Mohamed Masmoudi

Radwene Laajimi, Nawfil Gueddah, Mohamed Masmoudi . A Novel Design Method of Two-Stage CMOS Operational Transconductance Amplifier used for Wireless Sensor Receiver. International Journal of Computer Applications. 39, 11 ( February 2012), 1-11. DOI=10.5120/4861-7093

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%A Radwene Laajimi
%A Nawfil Gueddah
%A Mohamed Masmoudi
%T A Novel Design Method of Two-Stage CMOS Operational Transconductance Amplifier used for Wireless Sensor Receiver
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Operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) is one of the most significant building-blocks in integrated discret-time filters used in analog to digital converter (ADC) for Sigma-delta converter. In this paper we designed a novel design method of two-stage CMOS amplifier in AMS 0.35?m technology. P-Spice simulation results confirm the proposed OTA circuit. In fact, we achieved a gain band width (GBW) equal to 55 MHz, Cut-off frequency of 85 KHz and 57 dB gain (Av). In addition our new method allowed us to reduce settling time (St) to 15.6 ns and a slew rate (SR) of 0.1 V/µs at ±1.5V supply voltage. Eventually we have also succeeded in reducing the average power consumption to 1.65 mW while driving 3 pF load capacitor.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless sensor Operational amplifier CMOS OTA Design