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Effect of Channel Coding With Node Cooperation for Wireless Passive Sensor Networks

by FarmanUllah, Aamir Khan, Hasan Farooq, Imdad Ullah
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 39 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: FarmanUllah, Aamir Khan, Hasan Farooq, Imdad Ullah

FarmanUllah, Aamir Khan, Hasan Farooq, Imdad Ullah . Effect of Channel Coding With Node Cooperation for Wireless Passive Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 39, 10 ( February 2012), 23-29. DOI=10.5120/4857-7127

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The Passive sensor nodes are operated in a very low power regime i.e. -10dBm to -30dBm. Due to this fact, there is a high chance of data to be lost or severely corrupted due to overcome of noisy environment. In order to tackle this problem it was suggested that node cooperation is able to combat this. Node cooperation is very helpful in order to take the data node by node until to the final destination, rather to send directly from source to destination. This work is achieved by first modelling an empirical system consists of single relay, source and destination. And the two relaying protocols (SF and DF) were modelled and implemented. This approach is then extended for three relay nodes and the two sets of relaying nodes were implemented again on every single node. The output performances were com-pared, and further improvement was seen by channel coding.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Passive Sensor Networks Node Cooperation Channel Coding