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Neuro-fuzzy Controller for High Performance Induction Motor Drives

by K. Mohanasundaram, Dr. K. Sathiyasekar, Dr. N. Rajasekar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 38 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: K. Mohanasundaram, Dr. K. Sathiyasekar, Dr. N. Rajasekar

K. Mohanasundaram, Dr. K. Sathiyasekar, Dr. N. Rajasekar . Neuro-fuzzy Controller for High Performance Induction Motor Drives. International Journal of Computer Applications. 38, 10 ( January 2012), 12-16. DOI=10.5120/4723-6899

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This paper presents development of a neuro-fuzzy system for performance enhancement of a.c.voltage controller fed induction motor drives. Improvement in motor efficiency and power factor is achieved by suitably adapting the motor flux to optimum point by stator voltage control. The optimum SCR firing angle for each operating point is readily estimated by the neuro-fuzzy system. Extensive simulation is carried out with the proposed technique and the results are presented.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Induction motor a.c. voltage controller Modeling Fuzzy logic