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A Robust non-Blind Algorithm for Watermarking Color Images using Multi-resolution Wavelet Decomposition

by Amal Khalifa, Safwat Hamad
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 37 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Amal Khalifa, Safwat Hamad

Amal Khalifa, Safwat Hamad . A Robust non-Blind Algorithm for Watermarking Color Images using Multi-resolution Wavelet Decomposition. International Journal of Computer Applications. 37, 8 ( January 2012), 33-39. DOI=10.5120/4631-6666

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%A Amal Khalifa
%A Safwat Hamad
%T A Robust non-Blind Algorithm for Watermarking Color Images using Multi-resolution Wavelet Decomposition
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Research in the field of watermarking is flourishing providing techniques to protect copyright of intellectual property. Among the various methods that exploit the characteristics of the Human Visual System (HVS) for more secure and effective data hiding, wavelet-based watermarking techniques showed to be immune to attacks; adding the quality of robustness to protect the hidden message from third-party modifications. In this paper, we introduce a novel algorithm that applies a casting operation of a binary message onto the wavelet coefficients of colored images decomposed at multi-level resolution. In the extraction process, the original “unwatermarked” image is used to estimate the embedded bit-stream. Experimental results showed the low distortion effect cased by the embedding strategy of the proposed method. Furthermore, the resultant watermarked-images proved high resistance to attacks such as Jpeg compression and normal image processing like sharpening, blurring as well as image filtering. More simulations were carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison to similar transform-domain techniques.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


watermarking secure embedding image wavelet bit casting invisibility Robustness attack.