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Suitable Length of Text Line on the Bases of Eye Blink for Reducing Maximum Focus Losses

by Muzammil Khan, Mushtaq Raza
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 37 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Muzammil Khan, Mushtaq Raza

Muzammil Khan, Mushtaq Raza . Suitable Length of Text Line on the Bases of Eye Blink for Reducing Maximum Focus Losses. International Journal of Computer Applications. 37, 8 ( January 2012), 15-21. DOI=10.5120/4628-6653

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The usage of web shows the importance of usability and readability of the web applications or sources provide by the web. Web application fails to encounter the user’s requirements in effective manner, because the designers are unaware from some of the important factors effecting readability, reading from the screen. In this regard, this study is the continuation of the previous work that has been done for the improvement of readability, to handle the readability issues on the basis of Eye Blink for male participants only. To achieve general recommendations for suitable length of text line for all type of users, female participants are considered in this study. Basically during reading from the screen focus losses at two positions, when eye blink middle of text line and when text line ends. This study specifying suitable length of text line on the basis of Eye Blink, assuming three typographical variables i.e. font style, font color, font size, and with white background, will improve the overall readability or reading from the screen. This study also shows two important things the degree of understandability and the degree of attractive appearance of different combination for female participants only.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Suggesting suitable length of text line for textual materials that enhances readability during reading from computer screen.