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Impact of Channel Doping on DG-MOSFET Parameters in Nano Regime-TCAD Simulation

by Vinay Kumar Yadav, Ashwani K. Rana
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 37 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Vinay Kumar Yadav, Ashwani K. Rana

Vinay Kumar Yadav, Ashwani K. Rana . Impact of Channel Doping on DG-MOSFET Parameters in Nano Regime-TCAD Simulation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 37, 11 ( January 2012), 36-41. DOI=10.5120/4732-6926

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Double gate MOSFET is one of the most promising and leading contender for nano regime devices. In this paper we investigate the impact of channel engineering on double gate MOSFET by using different channel doping. Sentaurus TCAD simulator is used to analyze the channel engineering of double gate MOSFET. It is observed in the results that we can change the threshold voltage by changing the channel doping. The impact of channel engineering also observed on performance parameters of the DG-MOSFET such as on current, off current, drain induced barrier lowering, sub-threshold slope and carrier mobility. Thus, an optimized value of the channel doping will be projected for future reference in context of leakage power. Thus channel engineering will play an important role in optimizing the device parameters.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DG-MOSFET MOSFET scaling SS-sub threshold slope DIBL-drain induced barrier lowering