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Transforming DATA* with Dotty Format to Aggregate Region Automaton

by H. Hachichi, I.Kitouni, D.E. Saidouni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 37 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: H. Hachichi, I.Kitouni, D.E. Saidouni

H. Hachichi, I.Kitouni, D.E. Saidouni . Transforming DATA* with Dotty Format to Aggregate Region Automaton. International Journal of Computer Applications. 37, 10 ( January 2012), 35-42. DOI=10.5120/4647-6721

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In this paper we propose an approach for translating DATA* structure of a high number of states to aggregate region automaton. Firstly, we propose a program written in python language that transforms a DATA* structure, presented as a dotty file, to a DATA* structure written in the form of a python file respecting the syntax of AToM3. Secondly, we define a meta-model of the DATA* model and a meta-model of the aggregate region automata model thus a transformation grammar using graph transformation and the modeling tool AToM3 to perform this transformation automatically.

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  2. AToM3 Home page, version 3.00,
  3. Baresi, L., Hekel, R. 2004.Tutorial Introduction to graph transformation. A software Engineering perspective, Lecture Notes in Co0mputer Science, Volume 3256/2004, Springer Berlin, pp.431-433.
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  8. Czarecki, K., Helsen, S. 2006. Feature-based survey of model transformation approaches. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 45, NO 3.
  9. De Lara, J., Vangheluwe, H. 2002. AToM3: A Tool for Multi-Formalism Modeling and Meta-Modeling. Proc. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE'02, Vol. 2306. LNCS. Grenoble, France, pp. 174-188.
  10. Graphviz Home page,
  11. Hachichi, H., Kitouni, I., Saïdouni, D. E. 2011. A Graph Grammar Approach for calculation of Aggregate Regions Automata. The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT).
  12. Karsai, G., Agrawal, A. 2004. Graph Transformations in OMG’s Model-Driven Architecture. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3062, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp.243-259.
  13. Kitouni, I. 2008. Déterminisation des automates temporisés avec durées d’actions pour le test formel. Master’s thesis. Mentouri University, 25000 Constantine, Algeria.
  14. Python Home page, htpp://
  15. Rozenberg, G. 1997. Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation, vol 1: Foundations, World Scientific.
  16. Saïdouni, D. E., Courtiat, J. P. 2003. Prise en Compte des Durées d’Action dans les Algèbres de Processus par l’Utilisation de la Sémantique de Maximalité. In CFIP.2003. Hermes, France.
  17. Saïdouni, D. E., Belala, N. 2006. Actions duration in timed models. The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT).
  18. Saïdouni, D. E., Kitouni, I., Hachichi, H. 2011. Formalisation du calcul de l’automate des régions agrégé d'un automate temporisé avec durées d'actions. MISC REPORT 11001. Mentouri University, 25000 Constantine, Algeria.
  19. Springntveld, J., Vaandrager, F., D'Argenio, P. 2001. Testing timed automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 254.
  20. Stainer, A. Test d'automates temporisées. 2010. Master’s thesis, INRIA Rennes, France.
  21. Alur, R., Dill, D. L.1994. A theory of timed automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 126(2):183-235.
  22. AToM3 Home page, version 3.00,
  23. Baresi, L., Hekel, R. 2004.Tutorial Introduction to graph transformation. A software Engineering perspective, Lecture Notes in Co0mputer Science, Volume 3256/2004, Springer Berlin, pp.431-433.
  24. Belala, N. 2010. Modèles de Temps et leur Intérêt à la Vérification Formelle des Systèmes Temps-Réel. PHD’s thesis, Mentouri University, 25000 Constantine, Algeria.
  25. Bornot, S., Sifakis, J., Tripakis, S.1997. Modeling urgency in timed systems. In Proc. International Symposium Compositionality (COMPOS’97), volume 1536 of LNCS. Springer-Verlag.
  26. Bornot, S., Sifakis, J. 1998. On the composition of hybrid systems. In Proceedings of HSCC“98”, volume 1386 of LNCS, Springer-Verlag, pp. 69–83.
  27. Bouyer, P. 2002. Modèles et Algorithmes pour la Vérification des Systèmes Temporisés, PhD thesis. Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification – CNRS UMR 8643 & ENS de Cachan 61, avenue du Président Wilson – 94230 Cachan – France.
  28. Czarecki, K., Helsen, S. 2006. Feature-based survey of model transformation approaches. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 45, NO 3.
  29. De Lara, J., Vangheluwe, H. 2002. AToM3: A Tool for Multi-Formalism Modeling and Meta-Modeling. Proc. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE'02, Vol. 2306. LNCS. Grenoble, France, pp. 174-188.
  30. Graphviz Home page,
  31. Hachichi, H., Kitouni, I., Saïdouni, D. E. 2011. A Graph Grammar Approach for calculation of Aggregate Regions Automata. The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT).
  32. Karsai, G., Agrawal, A. 2004. Graph Transformations in OMG’s Model-Driven Architecture. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3062, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp.243-259.
  33. Kitouni, I. 2008. Déterminisation des automates temporisés avec durées d’actions pour le test formel. Master’s thesis. Mentouri University, 25000 Constantine, Algeria.
  34. Python Home page, htpp://
  35. Rozenberg, G. 1997. Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation, vol 1: Foundations, World Scientific.
  36. Saïdouni, D. E., Courtiat, J. P. 2003. Prise en Compte des Durées d’Action dans les Algèbres de Processus par l’Utilisation de la Sémantique de Maximalité. In CFIP.2003. Hermes, France.
  37. Saïdouni, D. E., Belala, N. 2006. Actions duration in timed models. The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT).
  38. Saïdouni, D. E., Kitouni, I., Hachichi, H. 2011. Formalisation du calcul de l’automate des régions agrégé d'un automate temporisé avec durées d'actions. MISC REPORT 11001. Mentouri University, 25000 Constantine, Algeria.
  39. Springntveld, J., Vaandrager, F., D'Argenio, P. 2001. Testing timed automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 254.
  40. Stainer, A. Test d'automates temporisées. 2010. Master’s thesis, INRIA Rennes, France.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Formal validation Graph transformation DATA* Region automata Aggregate region automata AToM3.