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MGS-CM: A Multiple Scoring Gene Selection Technique for Cancer Classification using Microarrays

by Dina Ahmed Salem, Rania Ahmed Abul Seoud, Hesham Arafat Ali
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 36 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Dina Ahmed Salem, Rania Ahmed Abul Seoud, Hesham Arafat Ali

Dina Ahmed Salem, Rania Ahmed Abul Seoud, Hesham Arafat Ali . MGS-CM: A Multiple Scoring Gene Selection Technique for Cancer Classification using Microarrays. International Journal of Computer Applications. 36, 6 ( December 2011), 30-37. DOI=10.5120/4498-6349

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title = { MGS-CM: A Multiple Scoring Gene Selection Technique for Cancer Classification using Microarrays },
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%T MGS-CM: A Multiple Scoring Gene Selection Technique for Cancer Classification using Microarrays
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Microarray is a rich topic which gives the opportunity for researchers to classify cancer samples without any previous biological knowledge. Microarrays high dimensionality characteristic motivated the importance of gene selection techniques. In this paper a new filter multiple scoring gene selection technique MGS-CM is proposed. This technique is further combined with three classifiers to introduce three new classification systems (MGS-SVM, MGS-KNN and MGS-LDA) which are validated and evaluated on three microarray datasets. The proposed MGS-CM technique was proven to be an efficient technique as it extracts the highly informative genes reducing the original datasets by at least 99.6%. Also two of the three proposed classification systems guaranteed the perfect classification (100%) of the leukemia microarray samples. The third one classifies the lymphoma microarray samples with only two misclassifications which is the minimum recorded number. The proposed systems achieved very good results and guaranteed reliable classification for new unclassified samples.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cancer Classification Microarrays Multiple scoring gene selection