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Implementation of WAP through an Innovative and Efficient Technique

by Shorya Agrawal, Nirved K. Pandey, Amit Kanskar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 36 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Shorya Agrawal, Nirved K. Pandey, Amit Kanskar

Shorya Agrawal, Nirved K. Pandey, Amit Kanskar . Implementation of WAP through an Innovative and Efficient Technique. International Journal of Computer Applications. 36, 4 ( December 2011), 22-27. DOI=10.5120/4482-6305

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Web Access Pattern (WAP) tree mining is finding of sequence pattern from web access log. It has gained importance in view of increasing usage of World Wide Web. Access to web pages generates access log wherefrom meaningful information is extracted. WAP stores web accesses in a prefix tree. In order to mine data, this tree is recursively traversed in bottom up fashion for frequent items that starts with suffix sequences. Repeated construction of sub-trees for finding frequent itemset is necessary in this method. This paper proposes an improved technique termed as WRDSP (WAP Related Dotted Sequence Path) for creation of such graph in which each item needs to be constructed only once. For each attribute, single node only needs be created in proposed approach whereas many nodes may be required for each attribute in conventional WAP approach. To mine frequent pattern from such graph does not require repeated traversal of links already traversed, which is a big saving in memory and time.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Association Rule Mining (ARM) Frequent Item sets (FIS) Web Access Pattern (WAP) Web Access Pattern Relative Dotted Sequence Path (WRDSP) Web Access Mining (WAM)