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Secure Key Transport in Symmetric Cryptographic Protocols using some Elliptic Curves over finite fields

by Ch. Suneetha, D. Sravana Kumar, A. Chandrasekhar, K. Vanitha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 36 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Ch. Suneetha, D. Sravana Kumar, A. Chandrasekhar, K. Vanitha

Ch. Suneetha, D. Sravana Kumar, A. Chandrasekhar, K. Vanitha . Secure Key Transport in Symmetric Cryptographic Protocols using some Elliptic Curves over finite fields. International Journal of Computer Applications. 36, 1 ( December 2011), 27-30. DOI=10.5120/4456-6241

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%A A. Chandrasekhar
%A K. Vanitha
%T Secure Key Transport in Symmetric Cryptographic Protocols using some Elliptic Curves over finite fields
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Cryptography is the study of techniques for ensuring the secrecy and authentication of the information. Public-key encryption schemes are secure only if the authenticity of the public-key is assured. Elliptic curve arithmetic can be used to develop a variety of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) schemes including key exchange, encryption and digital signature. The principal attraction of elliptic curve cryptography compared to RSA is that it offers equal security for a smaller key-size, thereby reducing the processing overhead. In the present paper a new technique of secure key exchange using elliptic curve cryptography is proposed.

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  8. Neil Koblitz, “ An Elliptic Curve implementation of the finite field digital signature algorithm”, in Advances in cryptology, (CRYPTO 1998), Springer Lecture Notes in computer science, 1462, 327-337,1998.
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  10. William Stallings, “A text book of Cryptography and Network security”, Principles and practices, Pearson education, fourth edition, 2007.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Elliptic Curve Cryptography Public-key Secret key Encryption Decryption