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On Demand Local Link Repair Algorithm for AODV Protocol

by Jyoti Jain, Roopam Gupta, T.K. Bandhopadhyay
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 35 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Jyoti Jain, Roopam Gupta, T.K. Bandhopadhyay

Jyoti Jain, Roopam Gupta, T.K. Bandhopadhyay . On Demand Local Link Repair Algorithm for AODV Protocol. International Journal of Computer Applications. 35, 5 ( December 2011), 20-25. DOI=10.5120/4397-6105

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MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) is a wireless self-organized distributed network. This paper gives a general survey of research on local repair of link, if it is broken during communication for MANET and proposes a new local repair scheme in order to make up the deficiency of the existing local repair schemes. The improved local repair scheme concerns about the over head requirement and end to end delay in transmission. Nodes are required to keep the next two-hop node address for each route entry in routing table. During local repair, the repairing node use Ant algorithm for finding new route for next to next node in the link considering that other part of the link is already in existence. Reduced size of F-ANT and B-ANT will give significant reduction in overhead. In this case repairing node not only tries to discover the route to the destination node of data packet, but also attempts to establish the route to its downstream node (i.e. the next hop node). The proposed algorithm will be highly adaptive, scalable and efficient and mainly reduces end-to-end delay in high mobility cases.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Routing protocol AODV link break Ant colony local repair Ad hoc mobile networking