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Sm-Gd doped Magnesium Ferrite for E-shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna

by Vasant Naidu, R. Abdul Rahim, G. Vasantha Devi, Helina Rajini Suresh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 35 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Vasant Naidu, R. Abdul Rahim, G. Vasantha Devi, Helina Rajini Suresh

Vasant Naidu, R. Abdul Rahim, G. Vasantha Devi, Helina Rajini Suresh . Sm-Gd doped Magnesium Ferrite for E-shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna. International Journal of Computer Applications. 35, 4 ( December 2011), 16-20. DOI=10.5120/4388-6090

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%A G. Vasantha Devi
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%T Sm-Gd doped Magnesium Ferrite for E-shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna
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The simulation study of E patch antenna parameters using IE3D for newly synthesised Sm-Gd nano ferrite coated over RT Duroid is presented in this paper. These simulated results for the center frequency of 5 GHz showed a Return loss of -20.35dB, VSWR of 1.21, the Directivity was 8.32 dBi and the Gain came to be -16.39dBi. These results were better than the results of Sm doped Mg ferrite

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Micro strip E patch antenna Sm Gd doped Nano ferrite RT Duroid