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A robust scheme for Digital Video Watermarking based on Scrambling of Watermark

by Mahesh R. Sanghavi, Dr. Archana M., Dr. Rajeev Mathur, Kainjan S. Kotecha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 35 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Mahesh R. Sanghavi, Dr. Archana M., Dr. Rajeev Mathur, Kainjan S. Kotecha

Mahesh R. Sanghavi, Dr. Archana M., Dr. Rajeev Mathur, Kainjan S. Kotecha . A robust scheme for Digital Video Watermarking based on Scrambling of Watermark. International Journal of Computer Applications. 35, 2 ( December 2011), 31-38. DOI=10.5120/4375-6041

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%A Dr. Archana M.
%A Dr. Rajeev Mathur
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%T A robust scheme for Digital Video Watermarking based on Scrambling of Watermark
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The swift growth of communication networks has directed to situation that assists on-line e-commerce of digital properties. Subsequently, digital data holders can rapidly and immensely transfer multimedia contents athwart the Internet. This leads to broad curiosity in multimedia security and multimedia copyright protection. This paper proposes a robust scheme for digital video watermarking based on scrambling & then embedding the watermark into different parts of the source video according to its scene change. Proposed algorithm is robust against the various attacks like dropping of frame, averaging and collusion. The work is started with a comprehensive investigation of modern watermarking technologies, and perceived that none of the standing arrangements is proficient of resisting all the attacks. Hence, we propose the notion of embedding different fragments of a lone watermark into dissimilar scenes of a video. The efficiency of the scheme is tested over a sequence of research, in which a number of typical image processing attacks are tested, and the robustness of the scheme is revealed using the standards of the latest Stirmark test.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital watermarking discrete wavelet transform (DWT) hybrid scene change video