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Reseach Article

Legacy of Footprints- A Review

by V. D. Ambeth Kumar, Dr. M. Ramakrishnan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 35 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: V. D. Ambeth Kumar, Dr. M. Ramakrishnan

V. D. Ambeth Kumar, Dr. M. Ramakrishnan . Legacy of Footprints- A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 35, 11 ( December 2011), 9-16. DOI=10.5120/4445-6205

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Over the last decade footprint feature extraction has been actively researched for footprint recognition. This paper provides an up-to-date review of major human footprint recognition research. In Earlier sections, we have presented an overview of footprint recognition and its applications. In later sections, literature review of the most recent footprint recognition technique is presented. The most prominent feature extraction and the techniques are also given. Finally, we have summarized all research results discussed.

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  33. V.D.Ambeth Kumar and M.Ramakrishan ,”Footprint Recognition using Modified Sequential Haar Energy Transform (MSHET)”, Intl. Journal of Computer science Issuse,Vol-7,Issuse 3,No.5,May 2010.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Euclidean distance Hidden Markov Model MHE Matching Algorithm