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An Effective Intelligent Model for Finding an Optimal Number of Different Pathological Types of Diseases

by Mohamed A. El-Rashidy, Taha E. Taha, Nabil M. Ayad
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 35 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Mohamed A. El-Rashidy, Taha E. Taha, Nabil M. Ayad

Mohamed A. El-Rashidy, Taha E. Taha, Nabil M. Ayad . An Effective Intelligent Model for Finding an Optimal Number of Different Pathological Types of Diseases. International Journal of Computer Applications. 35, 1 ( December 2011), 21-29. DOI=10.5120/4366-6023

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%A Mohamed A. El-Rashidy
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%A Nabil M. Ayad
%T An Effective Intelligent Model for Finding an Optimal Number of Different Pathological Types of Diseases
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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A new hybrid data mining model is proposed to provide a comprehensive analytic method for finding an optimal number of different pathological types of any disease and its complications, an optimal partitioning representative and extracts the most significant features for each pathological type. This model is an integration of both characteristics of supervised and unsupervised models and is based on clustering, feature selection, and classification concepts. This model takes into consideration access to the highest classification accuracy during the clustering process. Experiments have been conducted on 3 real medical datasets related to the diagnosis of breast cancer, heart disease, and post-operative infections. The performance of this method is evaluated using information entropy, squared error, classification sensitivity, specificity, overall accuracy, and Matthew's correlation coefficient. The results show that the highest classification performance is obtained using our proposed model, and this is very promising compared to NaïveBayes, Linear Support Vector Machine (Linear SVM), Polykernal Support Vector Machine (Polykernal SVM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Support Feature Machines (SFM) models.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Clustering feature selection classification SFM model breast cancer heart disease post-operative infection