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Grey Relational Analysis based Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Group Decision-Making Approach for Teacher Selection in Higher Education

by Surapati Pramanik, Dulal Mukhopadhyaya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 34 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Surapati Pramanik, Dulal Mukhopadhyaya

Surapati Pramanik, Dulal Mukhopadhyaya . Grey Relational Analysis based Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Group Decision-Making Approach for Teacher Selection in Higher Education. International Journal of Computer Applications. 34, 10 ( November 2011), 21-29. DOI=10.5120/4138-5985

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Teacher selection is a group decision-making process under multiple criteria involving subjectivity, imprecision, and vagueness, which are best represented by intuitionistic fuzzy sets. An intuitionistic fuzzy set, which is characterized by membership function (degree of acceptance), non-membership function (degree of rejection) and the degree of indeterminacy or the degree of hesitancy, is a more general and suitable way to deal with imprecise information, when compared to a fuzzy set. The purpose of this study is to develop an intuitionistic fuzzy multi criteria group making method with grey relational analysis for teacher selection in higher education. Intuitionistic fuzzy weighted averaging operator is used to aggregate individual opinions of decision makers into a group opinion. Eight criteria obtained from expert opinions are considered for selection process. The criteria are namely academic performances, teaching aptitude, research experience, leadership quality, personality, management capacity, and values. Weights of the criteria are obtained by using a questionnaire. The weights of decision makers are considered as equal i.e. their importance are equal. The rating of an alternative with respect to certain criteria offered by decision maker is represented by linguistic variable that can be expressed by intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Grey relational analysis is used for ranking and selection of alternatives to constitute a panel of selected candidates. An educational problem for teacher selection is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Intuitionistic Fuzzy sets Multi Criteria Group Decision-Making Grey System Theory Grey Relational Analysis Grey Relational Coefficient