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A Frame Work for Behavioral Business Intelligence based on Trust Driven Decesion Process Model

by Dr. Ujwal Lanjewar, Archana Shrivastava
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 33 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Dr. Ujwal Lanjewar, Archana Shrivastava

Dr. Ujwal Lanjewar, Archana Shrivastava . A Frame Work for Behavioral Business Intelligence based on Trust Driven Decesion Process Model. International Journal of Computer Applications. 33, 5 ( November 2011), 47-57. DOI=10.5120/4019-5715

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The study aims at online retailers. It explores the use of behavioral business intelligence for increasing trust of online consumers. Behavioral Business Intelligence (BBI) focuses on the people, their behaviors, and the factors that influence their behaviors. The aim of BBI is to know why online buyers exhibit certain preferences. This insight empowers decision makers power in evaluating the success of their strategic decisions. Internet is rapidly gaining acceptance worldwide as well as in India as its reach expands in Indian social milieu. There is a positive trend towards online buying; however doubts continue to linger on the online buying process. It is important to understand the factors which impact trust in the online buying process. This paper explores predominant factors that impact trust. A trust based decision process model is developed and ratified through empirical study. In the end, a behavioral business intelligence framework is developed by integrating trust based decision process model.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Business Intelligence Online Buying Behavior Trust Behavioral Business Intelligence Empirical Study on Indian Online Buyer