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Performance Comparison of UPFC for Smooth Power Flow in Coordination with Dispersed Generator

by Arup Ratan Bhowmik, Champa Nandi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 33 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Arup Ratan Bhowmik, Champa Nandi

Arup Ratan Bhowmik, Champa Nandi . Performance Comparison of UPFC for Smooth Power Flow in Coordination with Dispersed Generator. International Journal of Computer Applications. 33, 5 ( November 2011), 39-46. DOI=10.5120/4018-5711

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In this paper the performance of Synchronous Generator which is act as a Dispersed Generator is examined in controlling the flow of power over the transmission line. This project presents real and reactive power flow control through a transmission line by placing Synchronous Generator at the load end along with UPFC at the midpoint of a power system. The real and reactive powers can be easily controlled in a power system using a Synchronous Generator and UPFC in the system. The Matlab simulation results are presented to verify the model. The result of network with and without using Synchronous Generator and UPFC are compared in terms of active and reactive power flows in the line and active and reactive power flows at the load end to analyze the performance of generator. After using UPFC the power transfer capacity has increased. Hence consumer will be benefited. The studies are performed based on well known software package MATLAB/Simpower tool box.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Power Flow Dispersed Generation Load bus Utility Supply FACTS UPFC MATLAB/Simulink tool box.