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Integrating Spatial Data Mining Technique to Identify Potential Landsat Data using K-Means and BPNN Algorithm

by N.Naga Saranya, M.Hemalatha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 30 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: N.Naga Saranya, M.Hemalatha

N.Naga Saranya, M.Hemalatha . Integrating Spatial Data Mining Technique to Identify Potential Landsat Data using K-Means and BPNN Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 30, 9 ( September 2011), 16-21. DOI=10.5120/3665-5126

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Spatial Data mining is one of the challenging field in data mining. The explosive development of spatial data and common use of spatial databases highlight the need for the automated detection of spatial knowledge. Computing data mining algorithms such as clustering on massive spatial data sets is still not feasible nor efficient today. In this research first we elaborate a study on data clustering, particularly on spatial data clustering. Here we introduce a k-means algorithm that is based on the data stream paradigm. Some of the existing classical clustering algorithm and the proposed BPNN were tested with UCI repository datasets for spatial data clustering and classification. Several tests were made on the system and overall significant results were achieved. Proposed method is an influential tool for the classification of multidimensional spatial data sets.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Spatial Clustering Techniques Spatial Land sat Data Artificial Neural Network (ANN)