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Reseach Article

Application of Genetic Algorithm in the Optimum Placement of Distributed Generator in Distributed Power System

by Vivek Goyal, Akanksha, Sandeep Mahapatra
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 30 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Vivek Goyal, Akanksha, Sandeep Mahapatra

Vivek Goyal, Akanksha, Sandeep Mahapatra . Application of Genetic Algorithm in the Optimum Placement of Distributed Generator in Distributed Power System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 30, 6 ( September 2011), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/3649-5099

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%T Application of Genetic Algorithm in the Optimum Placement of Distributed Generator in Distributed Power System
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Genetic Algorithm is one the important stream of science and consider as hottest research area now a day’s, this area has very vast application in real world. Efficient methods and technologies are highly required to this world to reduce the calculations and perform the operation in precise manner. The power system is very abstruse subject so there is a need of optimum solutions with which the system becomes optimized and economical by solving complex problem. There are many benefits to install a DG in system but the problem is there is need to do complex calculation to know the size and the placement of DG. The optimal size and location of DG for a distributed system is the basic purpose of this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


BI-Benefit Index D-Distribution Line Length DG-Distributed Generation LLW/DG-Line Losses with DG LLWO/DG-Line Losses without DG LLRI-Line Loss Reduction Index Pgi-Active Power of Generator at ith Bus Pli-Active Load at ith Bus Qgi-Reactive Power of Generator at ith Bus Qli-Reactive Load at ith Bus R-Resistance V-Voltage VPII-Voltage Profile Improvement Index X-Line Reactance