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Four-Factor based Privacy Preserving Biometric Authentication and Authorization Scheme for Enhancing Grid Security

by G. Jaspher Willsie Kathrine, E. Kirubakaran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 30 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: G. Jaspher Willsie Kathrine, E. Kirubakaran

G. Jaspher Willsie Kathrine, E. Kirubakaran . Four-Factor based Privacy Preserving Biometric Authentication and Authorization Scheme for Enhancing Grid Security. International Journal of Computer Applications. 30, 5 ( September 2011), 13-20. DOI=10.5120/3639-5083

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Increase in the data sharing of distributed data has resulted in resource usage being more and more distributed. The distributed nature of data and its need to be accessed has resulted in the grid environment. Authentication is considered as the first step of security requirement for any grid environment against potential threats. This paper proposes an authentication method which is based not only on the password and the user ID but also on the biometric input and the position of the user. By enhancing the security at the entry point of Virtual Organization (VO), the grid environment is secured in its first step. The same biometric and position data used for authentication can further be used for authorization purposes so as to reduce the cost and time of storing different data for different purposes. A Four-Factor based Privacy Preserving Biometric (4F2PB) authentication scheme for a grid environment is proposed which can work on the existing Network Framework. The proposed authentication scheme optimises the security required for the entry level user and prevents malicious user from entering into the grid environment.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Grid Computing Authentication Virtual Organisation Biometric Data