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A Semantic Web Services for Medical Analysis using the OWL-S Language

by Zaidi Faycal, Touahria Mohamed
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 30 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Zaidi Faycal, Touahria Mohamed

Zaidi Faycal, Touahria Mohamed . A Semantic Web Services for Medical Analysis using the OWL-S Language. International Journal of Computer Applications. 30, 5 ( September 2011), 26-33. DOI=10.5120/3637-5080

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The merger of the Semantic Web with the Web Service giving rise to Semantic Web Service, this new technology allows software agents to discover, select, call, compose, invoke, and execute automatically a Web services without the intervention of human beings. In this article, we will apply this new technology in the medical field, specifically in medical analysis, by the construction of two ontologies: a domain ontology "Medical analysis domain ontology", following the method METHONTOLOGY and using OWL language and PROÉGÉ tool, and an ontology of web services medical "Medical analysis Web services ontology", using OWL-S language, OWL-S EDITOR for PROTÉGÉ tool and the Integrated Development Environment "NetBeans IDE". The ontology of Web services uses the concepts of domain ontology to define and describe the IOPEs (inputs/outputs/Preconditions/Effects) of Web service. These two ontologies are used by a health care system; it includes all those involved in the process of care, human actors (doctors, patients, lab technicians...), software actors (medical web services, medical applications...).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web service semantic Web service ontology OWL-S WSMO medical analysis